8/20/24 ♡

unknown date.

i dont remember much of this dream..i dreamt it a few days ago. Lately iv been having alot of nightmares...my grandmother tells me to pray- and i do. but i still receive them. but thats okay ♡ i just leave it up to god no matter what. ♡

hmm..now back 2 my dream..it was very strange. i was in some run down ghetto apartment...the place was an absolute mess ♡ i dont know where this location is (irl i have never been there..but my dreams always take me to weird locations iv never seen irl..) in my dream some boy would cook spanish food in the apartment lobby...i dont remember much details about his face but..i do remember he was a little chubby and smelled lik empanadas ♡ in my dream he kept flirting with me..he would always offer me free food and compliment me.... fast forward a little bit- i accepted his free food offer but when i went 2 go back upstairs 2 my room, i winked at him ♡

and thats when my dream took a turn for the worst!!!!!

apparently he had a gf and she ended up breaking into my house and claiming tht i was some whore ! i told her that i didnt know abt her and tht he was flirting with me...then for some reason- i complimented her hair. she didnt lik that....she kept making mean remarks.. "ur pretty but ur hair is so messy..you'd also be prettier if u lost weight" which didnt make sense considering she weighed so much more than me!!! she wanted to fight me and kill me so i went 2 hide ♡ in the apartment there was this little hidden basement area..so i hid in there. i went to the basement and seen a dead newborn. i ran back upstairs feeling sick like i was going to vomit. but i knew i had to kill her. there was blood and limbs everywhere.

i dont remember if i ended up killing her or not. i believe i forced myself awake...

[[note to self. dont wink at the boys in ur dreams.]]